Talking Fashion & Travel with Maison Ullens

I’ve been so eager to share my most recent project with Maison Ullens here on the blog! I was so excited to be invited back to Paris to work on this video shoot. As y’all probably know, I took Alex along with me and we had an amazing time touring Paris together. I shot this video with the Maison Ullens team along with two fabulous international bloggers, Nadya and Erika (see their videos on the Maison Ullens YouTube Channel here). We had the chance to tour the Maison Ullens showroom and meet Miriam, the incredibly inspiring woman behind the brand. The interview was really fun and I had a blast sharing some of my favorite travel stories. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did, I really think it turned out phenomenally. Be sure to check out Maison Ullens on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
